TRANSLATIONS of  RBD, Books and Periodical Appearances. 

Hерновики 1-38, Гул. Russian translation of Drafts 1-38, Toll.  Translated by Alexander Ulanov et al. Moscow: Polyphem, 2023.

borrador 91 y 104: proverbios y el libro. Trans. by Macarena Urzúa. Santiago de Chile: Cuadro de Tiza, 2022.


“Das Unheimlichste in Freien: Im Licht vom Oppen.” German translation, Stefan Ripplinger of “Uncannily in the Open: In Light of Oppen,” from Blue Studios. Schreibheft für Literature, Nr. 99 (August 2022): 85-96. “Neue Gedichte.” Translated by Stefan Ripplinger. 

Mütze 29 (February 2021): 1466-1477. (Four poems from Poetic Realism

Pater-Tochter” [10 pp. of essay in The Pink Guitar, “Pater-Daughter”], trans. Stefan Ripplinger, Schreibheft Zeitschrit für Literatur no. 97 (August 2021):141-151.

Рэйчел Блау ДюПлесси. Черновик 3: От (перевод с английского Александра Уланова) [Draft 3: Of, translated by Alexnder Ulanov ].[published in 2020]

Selected Poems, Poesie scelte, 1978-2015. Translated by Anny Ballardini. Verona, Italy: QuiEdit, 2017.

Brouillons. Translated by Jean-Paul Auxeméry. Paris: José Corti, 2013.

Draft 111: Arte Povera. Translated by Renata Morresi. Milano: Archipelago Edizioni, 2013.

Dieci Bozze. Translated by Renata Morresi. Macerata, Italy, Vydia editore, 2013

Essais:  Quatre Poèmes.  Traduction collective, Royaumont, revue et complétée par Jean-Paul Auxeméry.  Bar-le-Duc: Un Bureau sur l’Atlantique, Editions Créaphis, 1996.